Checking Accounts


Opening Deposit: $100.00
Maintenance Fee: $5.00*
Interest Bearing: Yes**
If you want a checking account that provides a higher interest rate, NetChek is for you!

Account Benefits:

  • Qualifying Annual Percentage Yield of 2.00% with an interest rate of 1.98% paid on balances up to $15,000.99**
  • 0.25% Annual Percentage Yield with an interest rate of 0.25% paid on portion of balances of $15,001.00 and over**
  • Refund of all ATM fees
  • Earn a competitive rate on your daily balance

    **The APY for these interest rate tiers will range from 0.25% to 2.00% depending on the daily balance in the account.
    Interest rates are subject to change.
Plus with NetChek, you receive the following benefits at no additional costs:

NEW – 3-in-1 Credit File Monitoring2

2Credit File Monitoring may take several days to begin following activation.


NEW - Identity Theft Expense Reimbursement Coverage1

Restoring one’s name and good credit is time consuming and expensive.  Identity theft victims must endure a number of costly steps to re-establish their identities and dispute fraudulent debts and accounts opened by an identity thief.  You are protected with up to $5,000 of identity theft coverage to cover expenses incurred in the recovery of a stolen identity…such as lost wages, legal fees, certified mail and long distance charges. 

1 Special Program Notes: The descriptions herein are summaries only and do not include all terms, conditions and exclusions of the Benefits described.  Please refer to the actual Guide to Benefit and/or insurance documents for complete details of coverage and exclusions.  Coverage is provided through the company named in the Guide to Benefit or on the certificate of insurance. Insurance products are not insured by the FDIC or any Federal Government Agency; Not a deposit of or guaranteed by the bank or any bank affiliate.


NEW - Identity Theft Resolution Services Should you become a victim of identity theft, enjoy greater peace of mind knowing you will have the support of a dedicated Case Manager who will work closely with you to fix your credit and guide you through the process of reclaiming your identity.  Your recovery specialist will review your credit report with you to see if any new accounts have been established in your name, contact creditors about suspicious accounts, assist you in placing fraud alerts, provide assistance with correspondence regarding your identity theft incident and document what was found during the recovery process.

New – Credit Score Receive a new single bureau credit score with every new credit report. Credit Score is a VantageScore 3.0 based on single credit bureau data. Third parties may use a different VantageScore or a different type of credit score to assess your creditworthiness. (Registration/activation required)

We know you will enjoy the added security benefit your NetChek Account will provide. If you have any questions about your account or any financial service we offer, please call your local United Mississippi Bank Branch. As always, we value your relationship with us and will continue to provide the highest levels of service and security for your finances.


Account Requirements:

Eliminate the monthly maintenance fee and receive the above benefits by satisfying all items below during each qualification cycle.*
  • Have at least 10 Point-of-Sale debit card***purchases post and clear per qualification cycle**
  • Have at least 1 ACH direct deposit or ACH debit post and clear per qualification cycle***
  • Enroll in E-Docs and receive your monthly statement electronically

**Qualification cycle runs from the 2nd Wednesday of the month through the 2nd Tuesday of the following month. Failure to meet all requirements by the 2nd Tuesday of the month will result in interest being paid at the non-qualifying interest rate of 0.05% and no refund of any ATM fees.

***Debit card transactions processed by merchants and received by the bank as ATM transactions do not count towards qualifying debit card transactions. Only debit card transactions processed by merchants and received by the bank as Point-of-Sale (POS) transactions count towards qualifying debit card transactions. 
When you use a domestic ATM not owned by us, you may be charged a fee by the ATM operator or network. You may be charged a fee for a balance inquiry even if you do not complete a fund transfer.

If you have met your qualifications for the specified qualification cycle, we will reimburse you for all ATM fees associated with a qualification cycle. ATM fee reimbursements will be credited to your account on the Wednesday following the 2nd Tuesday of each month. If you believe that you have not been reimbursed the correct amount, please contact us at (601)445-7000. We must hear from you no later than 30 days after the statement cycle when the reimbursement was applicable. Note: ATM withdrawals do not count as qualifying debit card transactions for purposes of earning rewards within this account.

Early Closing Charge: $20.00 if closed within 90 days of date opened.

Fees may reduce earnings.
NetChek is available to individual or joint account holders.
UMB reserves the right to limit the number of accounts per family.

United Club Checking

Opening Deposit: $100.00
Service Charge: $5.00 Per Statement Cycle
Interest Bearing: No
If you want a checking account that provides something extra United Club Checking is for you.
  • No charge for personalized Club Checks (limit of 200 per order).
  • $10,000 Accidental Death Dismemberment Insurance**
  • $5,000 Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement Coverage**
  • Credit File Monitoring*
  • Cash Back Member Rewards*
  • Gas/Gift Cards Discounted*
  • No per check charge
  • Monthly statement with check images provided
  • Visa ® check/ATM card available
  • Early Closing Charge:  $20.00 if closed within 90 days of date opened. 
*enrollment required ** These products are not FDIC insured.

Regular Checking

Opening Deposit: $100.00
Service Charge: $7.00 if min. balance falls below $500.00 any day during statement cycle
Interest Bearing: No
If you just need basic checking services, UMB Regular Checking is for you.
  • No per check charge
  • Monthly statement cycle with check images provided
  • Visa ® check/ATM card available
  • Early Closing Charge:  $20.00 if closed within 90 days of date opened.